I enabled LaTex on the forum, on the off chance anyone wants to use it: utilize square brackets around math tags.
I also used a combination of mastofeed and the html widget plugin to put up a mastodon feed, a
#hashtag plugin, and tag and user follows.
SEO plugin caused my website (particularly the blog) to crash even without being turned on, oddly enough.
My experiences with the mail server on the other hand have not been fun. Opening up the port I can get localhost to access port 25, but not outsiders nor, from that same machine, access using the site name instead. I noticed the webhost has an email service which makes me think it's on their end and they want me to pay. -sweatdrop-
So I disabled needing to use your email to activate.
Gonna look into setting up a quiz to deter bots and such. There is a 'add user profile forms' plugin fof Masquerade which almost but not quite did what I wanted, as the 'require to fill out' option didn't seem to activate at all if email wasn't used to activate. One could probably fork FoF Terms of Service to do a quiz.
There's an oath plugin that I could use to add a mastodon website login... but only one, not all of them.
There was one that also did social media logins like google, but when I tried google I got an error. So something went wrong with that plugin - not my end since the only config it needed was pressing 'turn on'.
So, I made a quiz to unlock your account fully, but not via a proper extension.
The way accidentally clicking on their log in and register form seems to cause everything you typed to disappear is super annoying and would be inappropriate for a quiz, so that as well as my preference for using php for handling the coding made me simply create an extra page and manually check the sessions, database and cookies. This turned out to be more annoying than expected (the flarum database doesn't store the sessions in a consistent way) and so the quiz only works if you log in with 'remember me' clicked.